We are working to select the best and finest types of Egyptian Fruits, from the finest and best types of Egyptian Fruits farms that follow the standards of quality, safety and health for the consumer, including:
• No pollutants
• Limited use of pesticides
• Absence of mycotoxins
• Limited amount of heavy metals
• Reducing the risk of microbiological contaminants
In order to maintain the satisfaction of our customers, increase our export customer base, and increase our exports annually.
Exporting Egyptian garlic, as it is one of the Egyptian products that enjoy a good reputation in foreign markets, because it is free from pests and diseases, and the effect of pesticide residues. Therefore, Egyptian garlic is exported to many foreign markets.
Egypt ranks fourth in the world in garlic production after China, India and Bangladesh, and about 280,000 tons are exported per year, and in the last export season, Egyptian garlic was exported to the world, equivalent to 30 thousand tons, and is considered the most important country that import it:
Egyptian garlic is exported to many Arab countries, led by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and the Arab Gulf countries.
It is also exported to the European Union, Brazil and Indonesia, as well as Eastern European countries, which import it in the form of green garlic, and the growth has not yet been completed or the mature garlic that is still soft, and has not dried yet.
It is also the export of ripe Egyptian garlic, at the beginning of April of each year, while the season of immature garlic is in the beginning of March.